On the day of the event your vehicle will have checks made by a scrutineer to ensure your vehicle is safe.
If a defect is found on your vehicle or you do not have the specified equipment you will be given a Warning and allowed to off road (subject to severity of defect).
If the defect has not been rectified by the next event you will be given a 2nd warning and you will be allowed to off road.
If the same defect is an issue at the 3rd event you will not be permitted to use the off road course.
Below is a copy of the scrutineer sheet that will be used.
If a defect is found on your vehicle or you do not have the specified equipment you will be given a Warning and allowed to off road (subject to severity of defect).
If the defect has not been rectified by the next event you will be given a 2nd warning and you will be allowed to off road.
If the same defect is an issue at the 3rd event you will not be permitted to use the off road course.
Below is a copy of the scrutineer sheet that will be used.